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Wizard of Oz Auditions

What You Need to Know

Ages: Grades 1-6
Audition Registrations Accepted Until: January 15th
Schedule Your Audition: Choose a time to audition here.

To audition, please register at the registration link above. Then, schedule a time to audition in person at Columbia Children's Theatre on January 16 or 17 from 2-4PM. Please refer to our safety guidelines below to learn how we're ensuring that our in-person auditions meet the highest standard for safety.

Please direct any questions to Sallie Best at

About the Show

Written by: Jerry Stevenson
Director: Julian Deleon

The Peanut Butter and Jelly players are back for another show this Winter, The Wizard of Oz. Much like our production of Goldie on Trial, this will be a much smaller cast and will follow all of our safety guidelines as outlined below. While technically a "non-musical" the show uses two Dorothies who will each do a version of Over the Rainbow. For the audition, if your child would like to audition for the part of Dorothy please have them learn just the first line of the song, "Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly." to be sung a cappella. Auditioners will also be asked to recite a line or two from the show that we will provide.

Safety Procedures

We will follow a similar format as we did this summer and fall with smaller casts in the production to make it easier to keep space between cast members, backstage and on stage. We will take temperatures at the door and masks are required at all times.

Our first priority is the safety of our staff, actors and audience as we face the COVID-19 crisis. Learn how we're working to ensure that our performances meet the highest standard for safety in our COVID-19 Guidelines.
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